Interacting with the column tags within HTML tables through the .NET WebControls Table in a programmatic way

As per the information provided on this website:

The HTML5 table contains col tags...

<table width="100%">
        <col style="width:40%">
        <col style="width:30%">
        <col style="width:30%">


... but I am struggling to find a way to interact with them in a programmatically generated table.

For instance, I can create the table in this manner:

Dim Table As New WebControls.Table
Dim Row As New WebControls.TableRow
Dim Cell As New WebControls.TableCell
Cell.Text = "Fruits"

How can I access the col tags to apply style information to them?

Is it feasible with .NET?

(the programming language used is not relevant - translation can be provided)

Answer №1

Could this be the solution?

GridViewColumn selectedColumn;

foreach(GridViewColumn col in GridView.Columns)
    if(col.Tag as String == "10")
        selectedColumn = col;

Implementation example:

GridView.Rows[2].Cells[selectedColumn.Name].Value = 200;

Reference: GridView Retrieve ColumnName Based on Tag

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