Interacting with CSS buttons using Selenium

Currently, I am working on a test case in Java where I am using Selenium to record a series of events and then play them back on an application. Here is the code snippet I have:

// *The app opens a new window*
// Get handle of the main window
        String mainWindowHnd = webDriver.getWindowHandle();
        // Get all open window handlers
        Set openWindows = webDriver.getWindowHandles();

    Iterator ite=openWindows.iterator();
    // Select the new windows (there are two that are open)

    WebElement liveId = webDriver.findElement("c_clogoc"));

The ID of the last statement is correct but inaccessible due to a CSS banner that appears when the new window opens. When running Selenium IDE, these are the recorded events:

Command :: Target

click css=a.close

I am wondering how I can replay this command in Java so that the WebDriver closes the banner?

Answer №1

Utilize the findElement method with a CSS selector:


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