How can you determine if a DIV element is within view in HTML (without being overflowed)?

Is there a way to determine if a DIV is within its container and therefore visible?

In this scenario, the active button (highlighted) can be seen because it is contained within the boundaries:

However, in this case:

The active button cannot be viewed as it lies outside the borders of its container with overflow: hidden. I am looking for a solution to remove buttons starting from 1 until the active button becomes visible within the container. Any suggestions on how to detect the visibility of the active div would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Based on your description, it appears that you are aiming to maintain visibility of the active button at all times.

To achieve this desired outcome, instead of removing buttons, consider using the .scrollLeft property of the parent container. By adjusting this property in relation to the left offset of the active button, you can ensure that the active button remains within view consistently.

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