Using jQuery to locate a JavaScript variable is a common practice in web development

I recently created a JSFiddle with buttons. As part of my journey to learn jQuery, I have been converting old JavaScript fiddles into jQuery implementations. However, I seem to be facing a challenge when it comes to converting the way JavaScript fetches an HTML element by its ID stored in a variable.

In the original JavaScript code:

var but = document.getElementById("but");

And in the new jQuery code:

var but = $('#but');

The issue arises from starting with a JavaScript statement and then switching to jQuery. I'm uncertain about how to maintain consistency with variables in jQuery.

Answer №1

If you want to access the document element in your jQuery code, you can simply include [0], although this might not be necessary when using jQuery's method of adding event listeners. I recommend using either $('#but').mouseout(etc) or $('#but').on('mouseout', etc).

I have made some adjustments to your jsfiddle so it now works as intended. But here is a brief tutorial for your reference:

There are two main methods for adding event listeners in jQuery as outlined in the documentation; the .on() method and the .(event)() method. The latter allows you to add event handlers to jQuery objects instead of using object.(eventName)(). For instance, to add a click handler to an object: { console.log('executed'); });

However, this method is not 'live' and won't update if elements are dynamically added. Events are only attached once the document is ready(

$(document).ready(function() { do stuff });
). To attach events to dynamically added elements, use the .on() method.

Consider the following HTML scenario:

<div class="wrapper">
    <span class="dynamically_added">content</span>

To attach an event listener to the dynamically added span, include the following in your jQuery:

$(".wrapper").on('click', '.dynamically_added', function() {

The first parameter of .on() is the event(s). Multiple events can be attached by separating them with spaces: .on('click hover'). The second parameter is either the function to execute or the targeted element. In the above example, it is the span. The last parameter is, of course, the function to execute. It is essential to use an anonymous function to refer to the function that needs to be executed, rather than writing it directly there.

I trust this information has been beneficial to you.

Answer №2

$('#button') retrieves a jQuery object, not a DOM object. This means you cannot directly apply DOM methods to it. However, you can either utilize jQuery methods on it or extract the DOM object from it by using:


To proceed with your method, follow these steps:

function initialize() {
    var button = $('#button')[0];
    button.addEventListener("mouseover", handleMouseOver, false);
    button.addEventListener("mouseout", handleMouseOut, false);
    var anotherButton = $('#anotherButton')[0];
    anotherButton.addEventListener("mouseover", anotherButtonMouseOver, false);
    anotherButton.addEventListener("mouseout", anotherButtonMouseOut, false);

Alternatively, instead of incorporating native DOM techniques, consider employing jQuery methods on the jQuery object.

function initialize() {
    $('#button').on("mouseover", handleMouseOver).on("mouseout", handleMouseOut);
    $('#anotherButton').on("mouseover", anotherButtonMouseOver).on("mouseout", anotherButtonMouseOut);

Answer №3

I'm not entirely sure I grasp your question, but could this be the solution you're seeking?

var button1 = document.getElementById('button');
var button2 = $(button1); function(){

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