Inheriting the width of a sibling element through span tags

I am dealing with a situation where I have a div containing a header element and a span.

Is there a way to prevent the span from expanding the size of its parent div?

In other words, I want the width of the span to be limited to the width of the adjacent heading.

For instance:

<div class="media-body">
  <h4 class="media-heading">
    John Doe
    <small>@johndoe - 2019-10-15T12:30:45.000Z</small>
    Lorem ipsum..

The goal is for the presence of the span not to affect the overall width of the div.

Here's an example: Sample fiddle

Answer №1

To clarify your query, you are looking to ensure that the span element stays within the boundaries of its parent container.

Upon inspecting your code, it seems that you have not defined a maximum width for the parent container, causing the span to continue expanding until it reaches the edge of the container or even the browser window.

You have a couple of options here: 1) Specify a maximum width for the parent container and set the span to display: block;, or 2) directly set a max width on the span element itself.

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