Influence the behavior of surrounding elements as we move our cursor over them

I want to create an effect where I have two images, with the first one hidden initially. When we hover over the second image, the first image should become visible. Here are the codes and class names related to the images:

<div class="entrycontent">
<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-48" src="path" />
<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-42" src="path" />

Answer №1

When it comes to adjusting the code structure, you have the option to utilize the same container for both images.


<div class="entrycontent">
  <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-48" src="path" />
  <img class="show-on-hover alignnone size-full wp-image-42" src="path" />


a .show-on-hover {
  display: none;

a:hover .show-on-hover {
  display: block;

Check out the DEMO

If adjusting the markup is not an option, JavaScript will be needed for the enhancement.

Answer №2

.wp-image-42:hover +.wp-image-48 { display: block; }

Give this a shot. I can't guarantee its success, but it's worth a try. This is just my suggestion. Good luck with achieving the desired outcome.

For further clarification, please take a look at this fiddle.

Answer №3

To achieve the desired outcome, you need to modify the HTML structure as shown below:

<div class="content">
 <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-48" src="path" />
 <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-42" src="path" />

Then update the styles accordingly:

.content img.wp-image-48
  display: none;

.content a:hover img.wp-image-48
  display: block;

Ensure that these changes are implemented for the desired functionality to be achieved.

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