Customize Material UI components by incorporating SASS classes

Currently, I am using Material UI components but I want to streamline my styles by moving them all into a .scss file. Right now, I have a significant styles object within the same JavaScript file where I am utilizing the Material UI components. This styles object is passed to the Material UI components through the style prop, essentially resulting in inline styling. My aim is to eliminate this practice. Additionally, I have nested components (both Material UI and custom React ones) within these Material UI components.

 const styles= {//my css styles go here}

<TableRowColumn key={index} style={styles.column}>
     <span className="checkbox-thing">

I have looked at the override documentation: Material UI Next Customization Overrides

I also came across this Stack Overflow question: How to style material ui next components with styled components and SASS

In my opinion, neither of these resources provides clear guidance on how to use an external .scss file to store styles and then reference those class names within the Material UI component. Ideally, I would like to achieve something similar to working with normal HTML elements:


To sum up, my goals are:

  • Move my large styles object into separate classes in a .scss file

  • Reference a class from the .scss file and apply it to a Material UI component

Answer №1

It's a mystery why this approach is suddenly working now when it didn't before, but using

seems to do the trick as long as my .scss file includes something like:

//.scss file

.someClassInTheSCSSFile {
   color: blue;
   //rest of the styles go here

So, in short, utilizing the className prop directly inside MATERIAL UI components does work. For example, my code snippet below functions as intended:

//Javascript file

<TableRowColumn key={index} className="someClassInTheSCSSFile">
 <span className="checkbox-thing">

The real challenge arises when trying to dynamically pass a value to the CSS property. Let's say the width attribute of the TableRowColumn component shouldn't be hardcoded in the .scss file. When I attempt to achieve this without using inline styling, it becomes quite problematic. If the colWidth parameter needs to be passed into the css width attribute of the TableRowColumn component, it seems nearly impossible at the moment. The workaround involves:

//Javascript File

<TableRowColumn key={index} style={{width:`${coldWidth}`}} className="someClassInTheSCSSFile">
 <span className="checkbox-thing">

This leads to inline styling, which goes against my initial goal. Thus, I end up with both inline styling and a className that references my .scss file, making the solution seem clunky and cumbersome. Can the attr() function within the .scss file offer a better alternative? Unfortunately, according to MDN (, only strings can be supported by this method, while other data types are not widely recognized in mainstream browsers. Take a look at this codepen ( for a demonstration. Ultimately, it seems that inline styling is unavoidable if dynamic changes to css attributes are required.

Answer №2

Implementing Webpack with node-sass and sass-loader

Getting the hang of it! Just gather all your styles in one or multiple .scss files, business as usual. Let's say you have a class called "nodeContent."

.nodeContent {
   position: absolute;
   top: 0;
   bottom: 0;
   display: flex;
   align-items: center;

All you have to do is import your styles and access the class names like properties of your styles object. For instance, if I have a Sass file named styles.scss in the same directory as my component, I can import them this way:

import * as styles from './styles.scss'

The 'styles' variable is an object that allows me to refer to my classes similar to any other object property. So, when I want to apply the nodeContent class on a material component, I can simply do this:

<Card className={styles.nodeContent} />

If You're Not Using Webpack (not entirely certain on this)

You may compile your .scss files into .css format and link them as a stylesheet in your index.html file. Subsequently, you should be able to use the classNames as strings as demonstrated above. Here's a related article I came across where they import the css file within their component:

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