Combine the content from multiple text areas and submit it to another text area


Thanks to @JasonB, I was able to resolve the previous issue mentioned. Now, I have three additional textareas on the same form that should only appear when their respective checkboxes are clicked. How can I integrate this into my current script? I attempted to group them similarly to TextBoxesGroup but encountered issues with values being submitted even if the checkbox wasn't clicked. Any advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. As a beginner in programming, I am eager to learn and improve.

CODE SNIPPET for the checkboxes:

<textarea id="text" >NAME-
<textarea id="text1">NAME-
<textarea id="text2">NAME-

<input type="checkbox" id="myCheck"  onclick="myFunction()">DETAILS
<input type="checkbox" id="myCheck1"  onclick="myFunction1()">DETAILS
<input type="checkbox" id="myCheck2"  onclick="myFunction2()">OTHERS

function myFunction() {
    var checkBox = document.getElementById("myCheck");
    var text = document.getElementById("text");
    if (checkBox.checked == true){ = "block";
    } else { = "none";
function myFunction1() {
    var checkBox1 = document.getElementById("myCheck1");
    var text1 = document.getElementById("text1");
    if (checkBox1.checked == true){ = "block";
    } else { = "none";
function myFunction2() {
    var checkBox2 = document.getElementById("myCheck2");
    var text2 = document.getElementById("text2");
    if (checkBox2.checked == true){ = "block";
    } else { = "none";

PREVIOUS QUESTION The challenge I encountered involves a form with multiple textareas. Lacking experience with databases, I opt to store textarea inputs within another textarea upon submission. While I achieved the desired functionality, dynamically added textareas present an issue where only the initial one is captured.

SCRIPT snippet below:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var counter = 1;
    $("#addButton").click(function () {
            if (counter > 15) {
                alert("Only 15 textboxes allowed");
                return false;
        $('<div/>',{'id':'TextBoxDiv' + counter}).html(
              $('<textarea/>',{'id':'myTextArea' + counter ,'class':'myTextArea'}).html( 'STEP ' + counter + ' : ' )
                       .appendTo( '#TextBoxesGroup' )
   $("#myTextArea" + counter).each(function () {
            this.setAttribute('style', 'height:' + (this.scrollHeight) + 'px;overflow-y:hidden;');
      }).on('input', function () {
   = 'auto';
   = (this.scrollHeight) + 'px';


        $("#removeButton").click(function () {
            if (counter == 1) {
                alert("No more textbox to remove");
                return false;
            $("#TextBoxDiv" + counter).remove();

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#btn-primary").click(function() {
    var text55 = $('#textarea55').val();
    var text56 = $('#textarea56').val();
    var text57 = $('#textarea57').val();
    var text58 = $('#textarea58').val();
    var text59 = $('#textarea59').val();
    var text60 = $('#textarea60').val();
    var text61 = $('#textarea61').val();
    var text62 = $('#textarea62').val();
    var myTextArea = $('#myTextArea'+e).val();

  $('#inputTextToSave').val( $('#inputTextToSave').val()+text55+'\n'+text56+'\n'+text57+'\n'+'TROUBLESHOOTING NOTES'+'\n'+myTextArea+'\n'+text58+'\n'+text59+'\n'+text60+'\n'+text61+'\n'+text62+'\n');

HTML structure used:

<textarea id="textarea55" name="caller"></textarea><br>
<textarea id="textarea56" name="auth"></textarea><br>
<textarea id="textarea57" name="issue"></textarea><br>
<label>TROUBLESHOOTING NOTES:</label><br>
   <div id='TextBoxesGroup'>
   <div id="TextBoxDiv"></div></div>
<input type='button' value='ADD TS STEPS' id='addButton' class="bubbly-button">
<input type='button' value='REMOVE TS' id='removeButton' class="bubbly-button"><br><\body> 
<textarea id="textarea58" name="acct"></textarea><br>
<textarea id="textarea59" name="tid"></textarea><br
<textarea id="textarea60" name="resolution"></textarea><br>
<textarea id="textarea61" name="case"></textarea><br>
<textarea id="textarea62" rows="1" disabled>YANA</textarea>

<input type='button' value='SUBMIT' id='btn-primary' class="bubbly-button"><br>

CSS styling:

div {
  padding: 1px;

textarea {
   outline: none;
  -webkit-border-radius: 8px;
  -moz-border-radius: 8px;
  border-radius: 8px;

.myTextArea {
  width: 535px;
  min-height: 14px;
  overflow-y: hidden;
  font-size: 14px;
  border: 3px solid orange;
  display: block;

  font-size: 14px;
  font-family: 'tempus sans ITC', 'Arial';
  color: mediumvioletred;
  text-align: center;
  background-color: pink;

Answer №1

Your textboxes that are generated dynamically can be found within the #TextBoxesGroup element.

If you need to select all of them when submitting, you can simply use $('#TextBoxesGroup textarea'). To combine their contents into a single string with '\n' separators, you can utilize jQuery's .map function to extract the text from each element and place it in an array wrapped in a jQuery object. Then use .get to obtain the underlying array, and finally .join to merge the strings with '\n' as the delimiter.

var contents = $('#TextBoxesGroup textarea')
  .map(function() {
    return $(this).text();
  console.log( contents );
<script src=""></script>
<div id="TextBoxesGroup">

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