Influence of External Style Sheet not reflected in HTML

Just as the title suggests, I have an external style sheet connected to my HTML document, and it appears that the footer element may be incorporating the changes, but none of the other content is. Being new to this, I'm trying to pinpoint where I went astray.

Here is the snippet of the HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>JavaJam Coffee House and Live Music</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link href= "javajam.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<h1>JavaJam Coffee House</h1>
    <a href="index.html">Home</a> &nbsp;
    <a href="menu.html">Menu</a> &nbsp;
    <a href="music.html">Music</a> &nbsp;
    <a href="jobs.html">Jobs</a>
  <h2>Relax at JavaJam</h2>
    <li>Specialty Coffee and Tea</li>
    <li>Bagels, Muffins, Gluten-free Pastries</li>
    <li>Organic Salads</li>
    <li>Music and Poetry Readings</li>
    <li>Open Mic Night</li>
    12010 Garrett Bay Road <br>
    Ellison Bay, WI 54210 <br>
    888-555-5555 <br> <br>
      Copyright &copy; 2018 JavaJam Coffee House <br>
      <a href = "mailto: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="f7929a969e9bb7929a969e9bd994989a">[email protected]</a>"><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="cfaaa2aea6a38faaa2aea6a3e1aca0a2">[email protected]</a></a>

And here is the excerpt from the external style sheet:

body {background-color: #FCEBB6;
      color: #221811;
      font-family: verdana;}
header {background-color: #D2B48C;
        text-align: center;}
h1 {line-height: 200%;}

nav {text-align: center;
    font-weight: bold;}
footer{background-color: #D2B48C;
      font-size: .60em;
      font-style: italic;
      text-align: center;}

Answer №1

After separating the HTML and CSS content into index.html and javajam.css files, I tested the styles by opening index.html in Chrome. The styles were successfully applied. It is important to ensure that the HTML and CSS files are located in the same folder as siblings. If they are not, you will need to specify the path to the CSS file relative to the HTML file for proper styling.

Answer №2


I suggest updating the tag-selector in your stylesheet to something like <header>, since there is no <header> tag in your html.

body {background-color: #FCEBB6;
      color: #221811;
      font-family: verdana;}
h1 {background-color: #D2B48C;
        text-align: center;}
h1 {line-height: 200%;}

nav {text-align: center;
    font-weight: bold;}
footer{background-color: #D2B48C;
      font-size: .60em;
      font-style: italic;
      text-align: center;}

You may also want to reorganize some of the code for better structure.

 h1 {background-color: #D2B48C;
     text-align: center;
     line-height: 200%;}


An alternate solution could be to wrap the 'h1' tag in your html within a 'header' tag.

<header><h1>JavaJam Coffee House</h1></header>

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