Increasing the font size on a document

Once again, faced with my own silly problems. This time I stumbled upon the following page:

I am trying to style the "enter your U.R.L here" text with the following properties:

font-weight: 600;
font-size: 1.5em;

The issue arises when I try to adjust the font size, as it messes up the entire box layout. Any suggestions on how to solve this?
Thank you!

Answer №1

Can you clarify what you mean by incorrect? Consider reducing the padding.

Answer №2

Increasing the font size will also increase the width of the text. Try reducing the value to 20em or less, and then you can set the font size to 1.5em.

To help us better understand your question, please provide examples of "This is how it looks like" and "It should not look like this".

Additionally, sharing the platform where this issue has been observed would be beneficial...

Answer №3

When adjusting the font size, don't forget to also update the padding and width for a cohesive design.

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