Creating a separate CSS file for a CSS class that sets the width of a <div

I am looking to enhance a div element by incorporating a specific class from a separate CSS file. For example, my HTML file contains the following snippet:

/* width 90% */

@media (min-width: 960px) {
  div.width90 {
    max-width: 90%;
<div class="width90">
  text in div with a 90% width

However, I am experiencing difficulties as the styling does not seem to take effect even after removing the media query. Despite conducting research online for solutions, I am still struggling due to insufficient familiarity with this technique.

My intention behind utilizing this class is to display text within a div block at a width of 90%, specifically on screens wider than 960px.

If I directly apply the style within the HTML, it functions across all screen sizes, leading to my desire to encapsulate it within a class:

<div style="width: 90%">
  text in div with a 90% width

Could you please provide guidance on the correct code to achieve this desired outcome? I trust that I have articulated the issue clearly enough! ;)

Thank you, Ellen

Answer №1

It's important not to overlook this snippet within your head section:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Answer №2

In the example provided below, I have clearly outlined the steps you need to take to address this issue. The standard CSS will apply to all devices, while the media query CSS will be specifically for devices with a width below 960px.

/* Normal css for devices greater than 960px*/

.width90 {
  width: 90%;
  background: red;

/* Custom Responsive CSS for devices less than 960px*/

@media (max-width:960px) {
  .width90 {
    width: 80%; /* Specify the desired width for devices under 960px */
    background: blue;
<div class="width90">
  Dummy Text

Upon reviewing her shared link, here is my response. You omitted one class in the "width90" div section. The parent of "width90" is a div with the class uk-panel, and after examining the entire structure of a similar section, I noticed that you missed the class uk-panel-box within the uk-panel. Make the following replacement:

<div class="uk-panel " align="center">


<div class="uk-panel uk-panel-box" align="center">

The rest of my media query code is functioning correctly. For devices under 960px, the width will be 100% as specified, while above it will be 90%.

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