Increase the offsetHeight of the entire class

I am faced with a challenge on my webpage where elements within a single class have varying heights based on the size of their text content. To address this, I need to increase the height of all these elements by 20px upon page load.

var visibleposts = document.getElementsByClassName("post-contain");
   for(var i =0; i <= visibleposts.length; i++){
     visibleposts[i].style.height = visibleposts[i].offsetHeight + 20 + "px";

The above code snippet is what I implemented. It is wrapped inside an init() function that is triggered on page load. However, I am uncertain about its effectiveness as it is running on a meteor server. The function call is placed within the body onload event like so:

  <script src="jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
  <script src="main.js"></script>
<body onload="init();">

<template name="FullFeed">
  {{#each posts}}
<!--    <a href="whenisay://{{adjective}}/{{noun}}/{{user}}/{{likes}}/{{date}}/{{_id}}">-->
    <a href="UnLiked.png">
      <div class="post-contain">
        <div class="chant">When I say <span class="varline">{{adjective}}</span> you say <span class="varline">{{noun}}</span></div>
        <div class="author-box">
          <p>By {{user}}<span class="spacer"> - </span>
            <img class="heart" src="UnLiked.png" onclick="console.log('hello');"/>
    <div class="author-box">
      <p>By {{user}}<span class="spacer"> - </span>
        <img class="heart" src="UnLiked.png" onclick="console.log('hello');"/>

If you wish to inspect and troubleshoot the code, you can visit the live deployment at

Answer №1

As mentioned by humble.rumble, your code is not functioning properly because when the body loads, there are no ".post-contain" divs created by the FullFeed template yet.

It is recommended to not immediately execute the code to modify the generated DOM in main.js, but to use the Template.myTemplate.onRendered callback registering function instead. However, it should be noted that Template.myTemplate.onRendered from Meteor does not wait for individual data to be loaded. There are various solutions available to attach a callback after all items have finished loading. Please refer to other StackOverflow questions for more information:

  • How to execute helper function after DOM is ready in meteor
  • Running a function AFTER a meteor template is updated
  • Callback when all Template items finished rendering in Meteor?
  • Meteor : wait until all templates are rendered

If none of these methods suit your needs, you can consider using MutationObserver instead. In this case, you would observe for added <a/> items in the <body/> and then locate the .post-contain elements:

new MutationObserver(function (mutations){
    mutations.forEach(function (mutation){
        $(mutation.addedNodes).each(function (){
            if (this.localName == "a")
                var myNewDiv = $(".post-contain",this)[0]
}).observe($("body")[0], {childList: true});

If the Template global variable is not available until the document has fully loaded, you can utilize JQuery's .ready( handler ) method.

You can also use jQuery to adjust the height. Consider using the .height( function ) method like this:

$(".post-contain").height(function (index, height) {
    return (height + 20); // Increase the height of all ".post-contain" divs

All these techniques combined result in the following implementation:

    new MutationObserver(function (mutations){
        mutations.forEach(function (mutation){
            $(mutation.addedNodes).each(function (){
                if (this.localName == "a")
                    $(".post-contain",this).height(function (index, height){
                        return (height + 20);
    }).observe($("body")[0], {childList: true});

This solution has been tested on a local Meteor setup.

On a side note, have you considered why you need to add height in this manner? Perhaps using CSS padding rather than adjusting the height dynamically might be a simpler approach without needing to handle additional events like .resize().

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