What are the steps to create a dynamic navigation bar in React without encountering hydration issues?

My goal is to dynamically show or hide links based on user authorization. Here's my initial approach:

const Navbar = () => {
  const { canDo, ...} = useUser(); //A Zustand store
  return (
          {canDo && (
              <Link href="/somelink">Something</Link>
          )} ...//more options

Upon screen load or refresh, I encountered this error:
Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server. Warning: Expected server HTML to contain a matching "li" in "ul".

For my second attempt, I used useEffect:

const Navbar = () => {
const Navbar = () => {
  const { canDo, ...} = useUser(); //A Zustand store
  var doit = false;
  useEffect(() => {
    doit = canDo;

  }, [canDo, ...]);

          {doit && (
              <Link href="/somelink">Something</Link>

Unfortunately, this method did not cause the navbar to refresh.

As a last resort, I attempted to render different menus based on conditions, but this also led to the hydration error upon refresh.

The root of the issue lies with the Zustand store - it gets cleared and reloaded on browser refresh, causing React to render differently on the server compared to the client side.

Despite best practices, I resorted to manipulating the display style attributes of the "li" elements within the useEffect. I am aware that this approach goes against traditional React principles.

Answer №1

When the page loads, the useEffect function is triggered. If a value inside the [] of the useEffect changes, the page will reload. To avoid hydration errors, make sure your ul element contains li tags (especially if doit and canDo are undefined).

For more information and code examples, check out:

Answer №2

Success! https://codesandbox.io/s/nextjs-zustand-example-forked-bnpfz?file=/pages/index.tsx

function checkHydration() {
  const [isHydrated, setHydrateStatus] = useState<boolean>(false);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return isHydrated;
const NavigationMenu = () => {
  const hydrationStatus = checkHydration();
 {hydrationStatus && canProceed && (
              <Link href="/proceeding">Proceed</Link>

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