Increase the number of columns in ion-grid to a maximum of 24 columns by customizing the ion-grid columns

Can anyone assist me in achieving an ion-grid with 24 columns? I was researching the Ionic page ( and came across the property "--ion-grid-columns" under the "Number of columns" section. Unfortunately, there was no example provided on how to implement it. The webpage mentions that customization is possible for the grid based on your desired number of columns.

Has anyone used this property in this manner before?


<ion-grid class="myGrid">
    (repeated 24 times...)

In CSS file:

--ion-grid-columns: 24;

However, applying this method doesn't seem to affect my grid. How can I define 24 columns within the ion-grid structure? Thank you.

Answer №1

To make it work, just add size="1" to your ion-col:

    <ion-col size="1">
      your content

Answer №2

It's important to set a size attribute on the ion-col element.

CSS styling:

ion-grid {
    --ion-grid-columns: 24;

HTML markup:

    <ion-col *ngFor="let column of [].constructor( 24 ); index as i" size="1">
      {{ i }}

Check out this Stackblitz example for reference:


If you're encountering issues, remember that it should work even without specifying the size.

Answer №3

To incorporate ngFor into an ion-col HTML tag, simply add the directive within the tag like this: ngFor="let item of items". Don't forget to declare the variable "items" in your TypeScript file - for example, items = new Array(24);

  • This technique is specifically tailored for Angular framework, but can be adapted for React or Vue as well.

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