Struggling to show labels in the correct position for each button?

I need help with aligning labels under buttons. I have 3 buttons, each with a corresponding label. I want the labels to be displayed in line under the buttons, and if the length of a label exceeds the button width, it should wrap to the next line. I've tried using CSS but it's not working as expected. Can anyone provide suggestions on what I should consider?


   echo '<input type=submit class=btn  id=\"'.$row['UniqueAdvertisingCode'].'\" value=REDEEM    > ';
   echo '<input type=submit class=btn id=\"'.$row['UniqueAdvertisingCode'].'\"  value=BUY       > ';
   echo '<input type=submit class=btn id=\"'.$row['UniqueAdvertisingCode'].'\"  value= POUCHIT > <br>';

   echo ' <label class=lbl>Select Redeem when ready to use coupon at location</label>   ';
   echo ' <label class=lbl>Select Buy when ready to purchase product at location</label>   ';
   echo ' <label class=lbl>Save coupon for later</label>   ';


  .btn {
    width: 15em;  height: 4em;

       width: 15em;   height: 4em;


Answer №1

If you set a specific width for each button, this solution should work effectively:

<label class="lbl">Select Redeem when ready to use coupon at location</label>
<input class="btn" value="Redeem" type="submit" id="redeem">

<label class="lbl">Select Buy when ready to purchase product at location</label>
<input class="btn" value="Buy" type="submit" id="buy">

<label class="lbl">Save coupon for later</label>
<input class="btn" value="Pouchit" type="submit" id="pouchit">

Additionally, ensure the following CSS styling is included:

.btn {
  height: 4em;
  width: 15em;
.lbl {
  position: absolute;
  top: 4em;
  width: 12em;

To view a demonstration of this setup, visit the jsfiddle link provided below:

Check out this updated version on jsfiddle:

Please note: An improved version has been created in response to feedback regarding screen widths:

Answer №2

Check out the code snippet below:

echo ' <label class="lbl">Choose Redeem to use your coupon at the location</label>';
echo '<input type=submit class=btn  id="'.$row['UniqueAdvertisingCode'].'" value="REDEEM"><br>';
echo ' <label class="lbl">Select Buy when ready to make a purchase at the location</label> <br>';
echo '<input type=submit class=btn id="'.$row['UniqueAdvertisingCode'].'"  value="BUY"> ';
echo ' <label class="lbl">Save the coupon for later use</label> <br> ';
echo '<input type=submit class=btn id="'.$row['UniqueAdvertisingCode'].'"  value= "POUCHIT" > <br>';


Please Note: The buttons may appear distorted due to excessive css height settings.

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