Increase the dropdown size without altering the dimensions of the container

I have a dropdown menu enclosed in a div with a vibrant yellow background. Take a look at the code on Plunker here.

Upon clicking the dropdown button, the list expands and the container's height increases as well. The background color of the dropdown items is painted in yellow.

To style the list items, I have included a z-index property like so:

<div class="drp-down-cnt" style="z-index:1000;">

This change results in the following appearance:

My desired outcome looks more like this:

In summary, only the background of the drop-down button should be yellow, while the background of the dropdown list items should be white or gray.

Answer №1

To restrict the height of the background container, you can do the following (view example):

.drp-down-bgnd {
   height: 48px;

Alternatively, you can change the position to absolute to avoid affecting the container's height (view example):

   position: absolute;
   width: 158px !important;

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