Incorporate an SCSS file into the Stackblitz project

Is there a way to include an scss file in the stackblitz? I attempted it, but encountered some issues. Could you take a look and advise me on what to do?

I also made an attempt to add home.html

This is the project: Check out the stackblitz project here!

Answer №1

Utilizing Scss in StackBlitz:

  selector: 'page-home',
  templateUrl: 'home.html',
  styleUrls: [ './home.scss' ] <== remember to include this line
export class HomePage {

CSS styles targeting elements like

 page-home {
 .buttoncls {

may not work as expected with default encapsulation (ViewEncapsulation.Emulated) due to Angular's attribute additions like [_ngcontent-c0] to styles.

An alternative is to switch page-home to ion-list and observe the changes:

Example on StackBlitz (ViewEncapsulation.Emulated)

Alternatively, you can disable encapsulation using:

encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None

Example on StackBlitz (ViewEncapsulation.None)

Reference this thread for more information:

Recent comment by EricSimons:

Exciting news! SASS and LESS support has been added, along with compatibility with angular-cli.json configuration file :)

Answer №2

The previous solution is no longer effective. Here is the revised code:

  selector: 'page-home',
  templateUrl: 'home.html',
  styleUrls: [ 'home.scss' ] <== include this

Additionally, ensure that the styles are placed in the outermost block and not nested under other blocks.

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