Incorporate an image into the background using the default.css file within the Eclipse e4

As I work on my Eclipse e4 RCP Application, I am trying to set a background image. I have attempted adding the property in plugin.xml:


In addition, I made sure to create a new folder named "Images" and placed "image.jpg" inside. I also included the following line in default.css:

Shell {  background-image: url('./image.jpg');} 

Unfortunately, when I run the application, nothing changes. While I can apply a background-color successfully, adding an image seems to be problematic.

If anyone has any insight or suggestions, please share.

The contents of my Plugin.xml are as shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.4"?>






The content of my default.css is as follows:

Shell {  background-image: url('./images/image.jpg');}

In my project, there exists an "images" folder that houses the image "image.jpg".

Answer №1

To properly display images, the applicationCSSResources attribute needs to point to a folder that contains the images:


(Make sure to include the ending '/' in the directory path).

When referencing the image in the CSS file, use this URL format:


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