Is there a way to incorporate page animations when utilizing the <a href> tag in HTML?

I have created several HTML files. On the main page, I simply inserted some code like this:

<a href="new.html>
    <img src="img/button" id="buttonid">     

When I click the button, it takes me to the new.html page. I would like to add smooth page transitions when transitioning to that "new.html". After searching online, I discovered that most page transitions involve adding another class to the format. However, are there any methods for implementing page transitions specifically when using ??

Answer №1

To manage the behavior of your <a> tag, you need to take control using javascript.

Fading Section

Begin by setting an empty target :

 <a href="#"> ... </a>

This makes sure that clicking it does nothing. Next, use a custom attribute to store the URL you want to load upon clicking the tag :

<a href="#" data-url="new.html"> ... </a>

Add a class for javascript/jQuery targeting :

<a href="#" data-url="new.html" class="smoothLink"> ... </a>

In your javascript, target smoothLinks and create a delayed action (using jQuery here) :

$("a.smoothLink").click( function(e){
    $("body").fadeOut(function(){ // This will fade out your entire page in about half a second. Once done, execute the callback function
             window.location = e.currentTarget.attributes['data-url'].value;

For performance reasons, opt for CSS3 opacity animations (opacity 1 --> 0 --> 1) as they are hardware accelerated unlike jQuery's fade functions.


 $("a.smoothLink").click( function(e){
        $("body").addClass("fadeOut"); // anything with the "fadeOut" class will become transparent in 1s as per our CSS

        setTimeout( function(){ // waiting 1s then changing URL
            window.location = e.currentTarget.attributes['data-url'].value;
        }, 1000)


.fadeOut {
   opacity: 0;
   transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
   -moz-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
   -webkit-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;

FadeIn Section

Once the new page loads, it should be blank and then gradually fade in. Begin by making the whole body transparent :


    opacity :0;

Then, fade it in.

Using the jQuery method :


Using the CSS3 method :

Give the body a "fadeIn" class in your HTML :


<body class="fadeIn">

Add instructions in CSS to fade in any element with the "fadeIn" class :


.fadeIn {
     opacity: 1;
     transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
     -moz-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
     -webkit-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;

On loading the page, the body will gradually become visible in 1 second. This is untested but could be a helpful tip :)

EDIT - ** **Simplified solution with white overlay

Cover the entire page with a full white overlay which can be adjusted to transparent or opaque :


<div id="overlay"></div>


    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    pointer-events:none; // allowing click through

    opacity : 1;
    transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
   -moz-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
   -webkit-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;


$("div#overlay").css("opacity",0); // fading out the overlay on page load

$("a.smoothLink").click( function(e){

                setTimeout( function(){ // waiting 1s then changing URL
                    window.location = e.currentTarget.attributes['data-url'].value;
                }, 1000)

Answer №2

In order to achieve a transition effect, one option is to utilize ajax like Jquery Mobile demonstrates in their example (refer to ).

Answer №3

There's a clever way to create a spoof effect using jQuery for simplicity. In your CSS, hide the body tag and then use jQuery to fade it in when the document loads. You can adjust the timing for different effects and even add alerts. Play around with it!

$( "body" ).fadeIn( 3000, function() {
    alert('Billys spoofed slow sort of fade in');
<script src=""></script>
<h1>Hello from fade in</h1>

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