Including an image as the background in HTML

Hello there,

I'm currently attempting to incorporate background images in the following areas:

  • underneath the body (to cover the entire page, even when scrolling)
  • below the section with class "jumbotron text-center" or perhaps just under main role="main"

Despite my efforts, I haven't been successful. I've included some code snippets, but due to Bootstrap being used, I've linked a JSFiddle code.

:root {
  --jumbotron-padding-y: 3rem;

.jumbotron {
  background-image: url("gigi.jpg");
// More CSS code here...
You can view the complete code on JSFiddle for more details.

Answer №1

There are no visible images on the body or [role=main] because elements with background-color (.jumbotron and .album) are covering them.

However, including an image should work, as shown in the snippet below.

All I did was add a URL to a Wikipedia image and change its background-size property.

If you want your background image on [role=main], simply remove .bg-light from .album.

Answer №2

To create a fixed background on your website, simply add the following CSS code to the body element:

background-image: url('your-url-here');
and background-attachment: fixed;. This will ensure that your background stays in place as users scroll through your content!

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