Inactive hyperlink element

Below is the HTML code I am using:

<div class="titleIn"> 
    <h2><a href="/link2">link2</a></h2>

However, for some unknown reason, the link2 does not seem to be clickable (cursor doesn't change)

Here is the CSS being applied:

.titleIn {
    direction: rtl;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    margin-right: 0;
    margin-top: -10px;
    position: relative;
    text-align: right;
    z-index: -1;

Any suggestions on what might be causing this issue?

Answer №1

While I can't pinpoint the exact reason behind it, I am certain about what is triggering this issue: the z-index: -1 on your element. Removing this seems to resolve the problem (at least in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera; not in IE6 or IE7 though). You can view a live example of your code here, as well as an updated version here with z-index: 0 instead.

Setting a z-index below zero places the element under the main content flow, which may be preventing events from passing through it (similar to elements with non-transparent backgrounds).

Additionally, Internet Explorer appears to struggle specifically with direction: rtl; and position: relative; used together. It seems to be a distinct issue because even when I remove all styles in .titleIn except for direction: rtl; and position: relative;, IE still malfunctions (making the link unclickable). Removing either of these properties makes IE function properly, although the layout may not behave according to your intentions.

Answer №2

By setting the z-index of the body to a value less than -1, you are essentially placing the link behind the entire body of the webpage, making it unclickable. This is because elements such as the body and headings will cover the entire width they are defined, blocking other elements that may be visible but not clickable.

If you inspect this using tools like Firebug, it will clearly highlight the affected area of the tag.

Answer №3

Interestingly, in my experience with IE, I found that the link only becomes clickable once I delete both position: relative; and margin-top: -10px;. Is it worth keeping the position: relative property at all? :)

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