Tips for ensuring compatibility of CSS in IE7 and IE8

Despite using the following styles to dynamically display alternative colors in my HTML code, I am facing compatibility issues with IE7 and IE8. Surprisingly, everything works perfectly fine on IE9 and above. It seems these styles are not supported by IE7 & 8.

Could someone suggest alternative CSS methods that will function across all versions of Internet Explorer?

table.idclass tbody tr:nth-child(2n) td {
    background-color: red;

table.idclass tbody tr:nth-child(2n+1) td {
    background-color: blue;

table.idclass thead tr th:not(.innerclassid):after {
    content: "\25C0\25C0";

Answer №1

This solution should assist you in achieving your goal: The main concept involves manipulating elements using JavaScript. The approach entails iterating through the elements, adding background colors or classes based on whether the child element is even or odd. In cases where JavaScript alone cannot handle the task, a class named 'after' is created and applied accordingly.

elem = $('div');

    bg = (i%2 == 0) ? 'red' : 'blue';

Answer №2

Both the :nth-child and :not selectors do not function properly in IE8 or IE7.

In situations where these selectors are necessary, it is recommended to modify the HTML by adding classes or IDs to elements that need to be targeted. For instance, assigning odd and even classes to table rows can provide a more practical solution.

If altering the HTML is not an option, utilizing a polyfill script like Selectivzr with JQuery may help add support for these selectors in older IE versions. However, this approach could impact performance and has its own set of quirks, especially with dynamically updated content. Testing is crucial.

An alternative strategy is to implement a "graceful fallback" by ensuring CSS defaults are sensible even when selectors are unsupported. For example, if :nth-child is used for alternate row styling in a table, having consistent colors for all rows in IE8 may suffice.

Before diving into compatibility efforts, reassess the necessity of supporting IE7 and IE8 due to their diminishing usage rates. Evaluate the user base affected and weigh the effort required against the potential benefits.

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