Images in CSS accordion not displaying correctly in WordPress website

It seems like I am overlooking a simple solution here, but it's escaping me. I'm attempting to make a CSS accordion function where each section links to a page.

If you want to view the source refer to this link

Here is my test site URL: this link

The accordion functionality works fine (except for a minor issue - the first bar disappears when moving to the second bar, which I'll fix later), but the images are not showing up at all. Currently, only one image is assigned to the "Payment Processing" slider and it's not visible.

This is the code I am using:

<!-- CSS3 Accordion -->
    <div class="accordion">
    <!--[if IE ]><ul class="accordion-ie"><![endif]-->
    <!--[if !IE]>--><ul><!--<![endif]-->
                <a href="##"><span>Payment Processing</span></a>
                <img border="0" alt="" src="img/blank-card-bills.jpg">
                <a href="##"><span>Prepaid VISA/Mastercard cards</span></a>
        ... // Other list elements
    <!--CSS3 Accordion -->
// The remaining content

Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!

Forgot to include the CSS:

... // Remaining CSS code

Answer №1

If you want to hide an element and then show it again using JavaScript, you can set the display property to none initially and then change it to block when triggered by an event like clicking on the element:

<div id="toggleElement" onClick = "showElement"></div>

Here is the JavaScript function:

function showElement() {
    var toggleDiv = document.getElementById("toggleElement"); = "none";

Answer №2

After some trial and error, I stumbled upon a better solution that eliminated the need for dealing with images. I was able to streamline the styling elements and now everything is working perfectly.

I came across a fantastic resolution for this issue on this website:

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