What is the best way to insert a <dv> element following a <Typography> component in the provided code?

After learning React, I have attempted in various ways to get this code snippet to work. I referred to a question on Stackoverflow as well as the HTML div documentation

The goal is to have the text and link displayed in a horizontal line, not vertically stacked like shown in the image below:


If anyone could provide assistance or recommend further reading materials for mastering this concept, it would be greatly appreciated.

<Box alignItems="center" display="flex" ml={-1}>
    <Checkbox checked={values.policy} name="policy" onChange={handleChange} />
    <Typography color="textSecondary" variant="body1">
        I have read the
        <div role="article">
            <a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" href="http://greta.portplays.com/Privacy%20Policy.html">
                Privacy Policy
<Box alignItems="center" display="flex" ml={-1}>
    <Checkbox checked={values.policy} name="Terms" onChange={handleChange} />
    <Typography color="textSecondary" variant="body1">
        I have read the
        <div role="article">
            <a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" href="http://greta.portplays.com/Terms%20of%20Service.html">
                Terms and Conditions

Answer №1

Have you tested out this solution?

I recently reviewed the
    <span role="article">
        <a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" href="http://greta.portplays.com/Terms%20of%20Service.html">
            Terms of Service

Additionally, considering that a is an inline element, it may not necessarily require the span. Further insights on inline and block elements in CSS can be explored for better understanding.

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