website with a horizontal scroll-bar

Looking to create a horizontal scrolling website where the divs float to the right without specifying the container's width, as it may vary on different pages. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

It is generally not recommended to have a website that requires horizontal scrolling since users are not accustomed to this movement and tend to find it unfavorable.

To address your query, the only alternative to setting a fixed width for your container is to use a percentage width, which will ensure consistency across different user devices. Alternatively, if you prefer not to set a fixed width at all, simply leave it as is. The container will adjust its size based on the content inside it.

Answer №2

One effective approach could involve leveraging a javascript framework like jquery to analyze the widths of your columns and dynamically adjust the container's size accordingly for optimal display.

Answer №3

Create a container to hold your divs. Consider floating all of the divs to the left for proper alignment.

<div id="container">
  <div class="floater_divs">
  <div class="floater_divs">

#container { width:100%; other custom styles }
.floater_divs { float:left; other custom styles }

If you need different styling for each floater div, simply create new classes or IDs.

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