image animation in jquery not functioning properly

I'm attempting to create an image that fades in from the left upon loading until it reaches a certain point on the screen. Despite thinking my code is correct, nothing is happening. Can someone please assist me with this issue? Here is the function I am using for the image's animation:

<script src="">
    $(".img-fade").animate({left:200, opacity:"show"}, 1500);

Here is how I am implementing it in the html:

<div class="latest-updates-portofolio " >
<div class=".img-fade">
<img src="img/logo.png"  width="180px" height="180px">text

The .img-fade class is simply a placeholder class used for the function. Also, I have one more question: How can I make the image animate to the left 2 seconds after the page finishes loading? Thank you.

Answer №1

The main issue that is overshadowing other issues discussed in other answers is as follows:

<script src="">

If your script tag has a src attribute, the code inside the tag will be disregarded. As a result, your actual code will not be executed.

The correct format should be:

<script src=""></script>

Use one script tag to load jquery and another for your code. Once this issue is resolved, you can address syntax errors in the console and begin debugging all other issues.

Answer №2

Make sure to remove the period from the beginning of the class name in your <div class=".img-fade"> element. It should be written as <div class="img-fade">. Your jQuery code was unable to locate any elements with the class name "img-fade" due to this mistake. Everything else in your code seems to be correct.

Answer №3

To create a delay in your animations, you can utilize the setTimeout function.

$(function(){  // Ensure DOM is ready

        $(".img-fade").animate({left:200, opacity:1}, 1500);
    }, 2000 ); // Wait for 2 seconds before animating


It is important to note that you should not include a dot in your class attribute like this: <div class=".img-fade">. Instead, use the correct syntax:

<div class="img-fade">

Furthermore, if you intend to animate an element by adjusting its left property (rather than margin-left), make sure to specify a CSS position: (relative or absolute) for the element!

Answer №4

$(document).ready(function(2000,slow){  //syntax error

Passing parameters within the function() is a syntax error.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected number .

Here's the correct syntax to use:

   $(document).ready(function () {
            left: 200,
            opacity: 0 // instead of "show"
        }, 1500);

The correct way to set opacity is opacity: 0 instead of opacity: "show".

For reference, you can check out this JSFiddle

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