If you utilize a span element with the attribute role="textbox" and contenteditable set to true, the copying and pasting of text within it may not function correctly

Consider the following span:

<span class="comment-box2" role="textbox" contentEditable=true></span>

Using the following CSS:

.comment-box2 {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;
    outline: none;
    min-height: 40px;
    line-height: 20px;
    padding-left: 8px;
    border: 1px solid #708090;

When I paste plain text from a website inside the span with role="textbox" mentioned above, it creates another span inside it as seen through inspect element. The inner span code looks like this:

<span jsname="YS01Ge" style="color: rgb(32, 33, 36); font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Foot on the pedal never ever false metal</span>

The text "Foot on the pedal never ever false metal" is what I copied from the website. How can I prevent the creation of this inner span with all its attributes and only paste the plain text onto the span with role="textbox"?

If I just type plain text inside the span, everything works fine and no inner span is generated. However, when text is pasted, the undesired inner span is created along with a white background which I am trying to remove.

Answer №1

Copying text from another source often results in the transfer of its font styles along with the text. When the styles do not align, a new span is generated to adapt to the different styles. This phenomenon is commonly observed in various applications like Excel, Word, Google Sheets, and many others.

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