I prefer to have the links activate when the mouse hovers over them, rather than when hovering over empty

Is there a way to prevent the bottom links (music, contact, archive) from being highlighted when the mouse hovers over the empty space between them and not just on the actual links themselves? I want the mouse to only react to the links it hovers over and ignore the empty spaces. Any suggestions on how to achieve this within this platform would be greatly appreciated! If necessary, I can provide the full code for the blog.


header {
    width:{select:post width}px;
    margin:140px auto 0 auto;
    font-family: inconsolata;
    -webkit-animation-name: none-in;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 2.5s;    

.ico {

.ico img { /*icon*/
    margin:0 auto;    

.about {

.desc {
    padding:25px 0;

.dnav {margin-top:10px;
       margin-bottom: 110px;

.dnav a {
    font-family: inconsolata; 
    font-size: 11px; 

.dnav a:after {

.dnav a:hover::after {color:{color:link}!important;}

.dnav a:last-of-type::after {display:none;}

nav {
    font-family: inconsolata; 
    font-size: 11px; 

nav a {margin:0 0px;}

#blogt {
    font-size: 11px;

{block:ifIconImage}<a href="/" class="ico"><img src="{image:Icon}"></a>{/block:ifIconImage}
    <nav>{block:ifAskTitle}<a href="/ask">{text:ask title}</a>{/block:ifAskTitle}{block:ifProfileTitle}<a class="pro">{text:profile title}</a>{/block:ifProfileTitle}<a id="blogt" href="/">{Title}</a>{block:ifArchiveTitle}<a href="/archive">{text:archive title}</a>{/block:ifArchiveTitle}</nav>
    <div class="about"><div class="desc">{Description}</div></div>
    <div class="dnav">{block:ifLink1}<a href="{text:Link 1 URL}">{text:Link 1}</a>{/block:ifLink1}{block:ifLink2}<a href="{text:Link 2 URL}">{text:Link 2}</a>{/block:ifLink2}{block:ifLink3}<a href="{text:Link 3 URL}">{text:Link 3}</a>{/block:ifLink3}</div>

Answer №1

Indeed, when it comes to padding, it's important to consider that it is part of the element and can trigger the mouseOver event upon hovering.

You might want to experiment with margins as an alternative solution.

Answer №2

The selector ".dnav a:after" is responsible for extending the text styling in CSS.

To adjust spacing, you can directly add margin to the "a" element using the selector ".dnav a", instead of relying on the properties defined within the ".dnav a:after" selector.

For example:

Remove this snippet:

.dnav a:after {

Instead, modify like so (by simply adding margin):

.dnav a {
    font-family: inconsolata; 
    font-size: 11px; 
    margin-left: 15px;

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