I need help setting up a link in HTML that redirects to the correct webpage when clicked. How can I make this happen smoothly?

 <!DOCTYPE html>
    <button class="btn about">About</button>
    <button class="btn socialmedia">Social Media</button></button>
    <button class="btn profile">Profile</button>
    <button class="btn contact">Contact</button>
    <button class="btn homepage">Homepage</button>

I would like to create a page where all the contact information is displayed when the user clicks on the "Contact" button. Can you please explain this in the simplest way possible?

Answer №1

To accomplish this in HTML, you can utilize anchor tags.

<a href = " "> </a>

It is a common practice in HTML to assign an ID to each section for easy identification:

<section id= "id1" ></section>

You can then link to these sections by referencing their IDs in the anchor tags:

<a href = "#id1"> </a>


Answer №2

Utilize the anchor tag:

<a href="http://yourdestination.com">About</a> 

You have the flexibility to insert buttons or any other content between the anchor tags to create a link. For example, if you want to include an image:

<a href="http://yourdestination.com"><img src="yourimage.png" /></a>

To style buttons within the anchor tag, you can use a CSS class like this:

<a class="button_class" href="http://yourdestination.com">About</a> 

Alternatively, you can directly place the button content within the anchor tags:

<a href="http://yourdestination.com"><button class="btn about">About</button></a>

Answer №3

If you're not a fan of using the <a> tag, try this alternative:

<a href="http://www.example.com"><button class="btn about">About</button></a>

You have the option to use either JS or JQuery

1. Inline JS

<button class="btn about" onclick="window.location='http://www.example.com';">About</button>

2. JS Function

    function visitPage(){

<button class="btn about" onclick="visitPage();">About</button>

3. JQuery

<button id="about">About</button>

$('#about').click(function() {

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