I am having trouble assigning the correct z-index to either the id or class of the Facebook message icon, which is appearing behind the menu

Recently, I encountered an issue on my website where the Facebook like button opening a comment window appears behind my drop-down menu. Despite having a z-index of 1000 on the drop menu, I haven't been able to identify which div or class should have a higher z-index to resolve this problem. CSS isn't my strong suit, so I'm reaching out to any experts who might know the solution.

If there are any wizards out there who can help, please let me know!


Thank you!

Answer №1

The menu element identified by dropMenu has a z-index value of 3000. To ensure that the Facebook button displays properly, you should increase the z-index value.

For the fb:like element, set the z-index to 3001 or higher.

<fb:like style="z-index: 3100;" href="http://www.traditionalirishgifts.com" send="false" layout="button_count" width="450" show_faces="false" fb-xfbml-state="rendered" class="fb_edge_widget_with_comment fb_iframe_widget"></fb:like>

You can also achieve this by adding the following code in your CSS file:

.fb_edge_widget_with_comment {
    z-index: 3100;

Answer №2

To customize the Facebook send popup, I had to make the following modifications:

.fb_edge_widget_with_comment span.fb_send_button_form_widget{ z-index: 1001000 !important; }

Additionally, for the Like popup, I adjusted the code as follows:

.fb_iframe_widget {

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