I am encountering issues with the ng-bootstrap drop down menu not functioning properly when used in conjunction with *ng

The dropdown menu is designed to dynamically populate a selection of languages. I attempted to use ngFor to achieve this, but only the first item in the list appears in the dropdown menu.

<nav class ="navbar navbar-light bg-light fixed-top">
  <div *ngIf="data.enableLanguageList && data.languageList?.length > 0" class="row">
    <div ngbDropdown class="col d-inline-block">
      <button ngbDropdownToggle 
              class="btn btn-success btn-lg dropdown-toggle" 
        <strong> Lang - {{ data.currentLanguage }} </strong>
      <div ngbDropdownMenu 
           *ngFor="let lang of data.languageList;" 
        <button ngbDropdownItem 
                [ngClass] = "[lang === data.currentLanguage ? 'active' : '']" 
                (click) = "setLanguage(lang)">
             <h5> <strong> {{ lang }} </strong> </h5>

Answer №1

When implementing ngFor on ngbDropdownMenu, make sure to create multiple instances of ngbDropdownItem within a loop.

      <div ngbDropdownMenu 
        <button ngbDropdownItem 
                *ngFor="let lang of data.languageList;" 
                [ngClass] = "[lang === data.currentLanguage ? 'active' : '']" 
                (click) = "setLanguage(lang)">
             {{ lang }}

Answer №2

ul and li tags can be utilized to implement the ngbDropdown functionality.

<div ngbDropdown class="dropdown">
<button ngbDropdownToggle  type="button" class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" 
    id="dropdownMenuButton" aria-expanded="false">
    Project A
<ul ngbDropdownMenu aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton" >
    <li *ngFor = "let lang of data.languageList">
        <a class="ngbDropdownItem" href="#" style="all:unset">{{lang}}</a>

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