HTML Element Split in Two by a Line in the Middle

Greetings to all, after observing for a while I have decided to make my first post here (and just to clarify, I am an electrical engineer, not a programmer).

I am in search of creating a unique element in HTML where I can detect clicks on both its upper and lower halves. Imagine a scenario where there is a large numeric digit, and when you click above its "waist" it increments, and if you click below the waist it decrements. My goal is to place multiple elements like this next to each other, resembling a "split-flap display" at a train station.

Although I have successfully implemented javascript for incrementing values, I am now looking for a more user-friendly way to decrement without having to loop through numerous clicks. I have refrained from using jquery thus far, so any suggestions on achieving this with HTML only would be greatly appreciated.

It appears that I may need to nest two smaller containers (one for the upper half and one for the lower half) within a larger container. But how do I ensure that the text spans the height of both internal containers? I would prefer to avoid splitting a font in half and updating the upper and lower halves separately.

Thank you, Paul

Answer №1

Give this a try:

    //we capture the bounding rectangle here
    var bound=element.getBoundingClientRect();
    var height=bound.height;
    var mid=bound.bottom-(height/2);
    //if the mouse is above the middle, we increment; if it's below, we decrement
        ;//we're above the middle, so add some code here to increment
        ;//we're below the middle, so insert code here to decrement

element represents the element you want to apply this behavior to

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