Having trouble importing from the public folder in CSS with Create React App?

While working on a project initialized with Create React App, in the public folder there is an assets directory containing a file named logo512.jpg.

When I use this file in a component like so:

    <img src='/assets/logo512.jpg'/>

Everything functions correctly. But when I try to reference the same file in a CSS file for the identical component like this:

background {
    background-image: url('assets/logo512.jpg');

I encounter the error message

Can't resolve '/assets/logo512.jpg' in DIRECTORY_OF_COMPONENT/assets/logo512.jpg

Please note that DIRECTORY_OF_COMPONENT refers to the folder where the CSS file is located, not the public folder. How can I adjust the URL to point to the public folder instead?

Below you'll find the complete code snippet along with my file structure:

// HomePage.js

import React from 'react';
import 'tachyons';
import './HomePage.css';

function HomePage() {
    return (
        <div className="background tc">
                <img src='/assets/logo512.jpg'/> //this works 

export default HomePage;

// HomePage.css
.background {
    height: 100%;
    display: flex;
    align-content: center;
    justify-content: center;
    background: url('/assets/logo512.jpg'); //this does not work

Answer №1



If your image is located in the public folder, the code should work as expected if you are using the assets folder directly within the public directory.

Check out the Codesandbox Demo for all three cases : https://codesandbox.io/s/images-not-loaded-hkzq1


If you need to use images from a location other than the public folder, you must import the image into your React project first. Ensure that the Path is correct and references your image properly.

import MyImage from "./assets/logo512.jpg"

Then, you can use it in the src attribute.

<img src={MyImage}/>

Case 3: When applying an image to a block-level element using CSS:

.background  {
  height:200px; /* Make sure to specify the height of the div */
  background-image: url("assets/logo512.jpg");

This approach should work correctly, assuming your relative path is accurate in relation to the CSS file.

NOTE: For SVG images, React now provides a component-based method where we import our SVG using ReactComponent.

import { ReactComponent as Logo } from './logo.svg';


Answer №2

I encountered a similar issue and found the initial response too ambiguous.

Just to clarify: When you reference `assets` in your CSS, it points to the `src/assets` directory within your project structure.

Here's an example of me incorporating a static asset in my CSS:

@font-face {
  font-family: "ITC Clearface";
  src: url("assets/ClearfaceStd-Regular.woff2") format("woff2");
  font-weight: 400;
  font-style: normal;

If you're having trouble with the path, pay attention to any error messages from the compiler, for instance:

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'assets/somefile' in '/home/mike/Code/myapp/website/src'

Check if the file actually exists by running this command (in bash or powershell):

ls /home/mike/Code/myapp/website/src/assets/somefile

If the file isn't found, there might be a typo in the filename! In my scenario, I discovered a minor spelling mistake in the font file name used in my CSS.

Answer №3

When it comes to adding an image, I have found two effective methods:

  1. One approach is to import the image from the public folder and use it in a tsx component like this:
const myBackground = './images/background.png';
// Then, you can simply use this variable wherever needed, such as:
<div style={{backgroundImage: `url('${myBackground}')`}}</div>
// Make sure to also specify width and height for the div to display the image correctly
  1. Alternatively, you can directly import the image into your CSS by hard-coding the full path, like so:
    background-image: url('../../../public/images/background.png') /* This specifies the full path to the public directory from your CSS/Sass file */
    // Add any additional CSS styles here

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