How to target and style multiple descendants of an element using CSS

Can you target multiple elements with a common ancestor in CSS using class, id, etc? For example:

table.exams caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td

If not, is there a method to select all nested elements within that particular element?

Answer №1

Can CSS select multiple elements with a common ancestor?

This functionality can now be achieved using the :is() pseudo-class, which evolved from the original :matches() mentioned in the previous version of this response. It's important not to confuse it with :where(), as that removes specificity crucial for your selector:

table.exams :is(caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td)

Prior to :is(), duplicating the entire ancestor selector and listing all descendants was necessary1:

table.exams caption, 
table.exams tbody, 
table.exams tfoot, 
table.exams thead, 
table.exams tr, 
table.exams th, 
table.exams td

The introduction of the pseudo-class notation during the finalization of Selectors 3 allowed for this capability, with recent implementations emerging gradually. Refer to this answer for additional context.

In essence, the officially recognized pseudo-class is now :matches(). Once browsers fully support :matches(), you'll be able to simplify selections like so:

table.exams :matches(caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td)

1 With tables specifically, one could use

table.exams > :not(colgroup), table.exams > * > tr > *
as a workaround. However, this approach is convoluted (especially considering scripting elements or nested tables) and it's generally more effective to explicitly list desired descendants.

Answer №2

A new way to achieve this is by utilizing the :is() selector. To target a larger selection while excluding a smaller ratio, you can combine it with the :not as shown in the code snippet below:

The compatibility of this selector spans across the latest versions of all major browsers (Edge, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari): as of 26th January 2021.

.match-elements :is(.match-1,.match-2,.match-5,.match-10) {
  background: #5548B0;

.match-elements :not(:is(.match-1,.match-2,.match-5,.match-10)) {
  background: #BADA55;

/* For snippet styling, not required */

.match-elements div {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-weight: 600;
  color: white;
  padding: 10px;
  margin: 10px 0;
<div class="match-elements">
  <div class="match-1">Matched using is</div>
  <div class="match-2">Matched using is</div>
  <div class="match-3">Matched using not</div>
  <div class="match-4">Matched using not</div>
  <div class="match-5">Matched using is</div>
  <div class="match-6">Matched using not</div>
  <div class="match-7">Matched using not</div>
  <div class="match-8">Matched using not</div>
  <div class="match-9">Matched using not</div>
  <div class="match-10">Matched using is</div>

Answer №3

Can CSS select multiple tags with a shared ancestor of a specific class?

By utilizing SCSS, a similar outcome to :matches can be achieved, as detailed in this informative piece

In addition, some browsers offer limited support for :matches when used with vendor-specific prefixes.

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