How to prevent npm from being accessed through the command prompt

I recently began working on a ReactJs project. However, I am facing an issue where after starting npm in Command Prompt, I am unable to enter any text. Should I close the cmd window or is there a way to stop npm?

You can now access your project at the following URLs:

Local:            http://localhost:3000/

On Your Network:

**Please remember that the development build is not optimized.
For a production build, utilize yarn build.**

The name of my project is Ageteller, and this is what is currently displayed in my command prompt with no option to type.

Answer №1

One possible solution is to try using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+C. If that doesn't work, you can safely close the window. If the program is running in the background, you may need to use taskmgr to force-kill the process.

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