What is the reason behind Firefox failing to display a linear gradient when the background-size values are more than 255px?

I am working on creating a grid overlay using an absolutely positioned non-interactive div. My approach involves using the repeating-linear-gradient property as suggested by others for this purpose. The functionality works smoothly in Chrome, but I seem to encounter compatibility issues with Firefox; perhaps requiring a polyfill or potentially due to an error in my code.

To observe the problem, open the latest version of Firefox (52, although other versions exhibit the same issue) and visit this jsfiddle:


The CSS snippet causing trouble:

background-size: 256px 256px;
    repeating-linear-gradient(to right, transparent, transparent calc(100% - 1px), black calc(100% - 1px), black 100%), 
    repeating-linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent, transparent calc(100% - 1px), black calc(100% - 1px), black 100%);

When you increment or decrement each input by 1, notice that the linear gradients disappear completely once they exceed 255 pixels, unlike the behavior observed in Chrome. I have attempted adjusting with percentage values, but the problem persists beyond the hard limit of 255 pixels.

This issue seems inconsistent with the expected behavior since there is no documented pixel limit for background-size on the MDN page. Has anyone else faced this problem before, or can you identify an error in my code causing the jsfiddle to not work as intended?

Answer №1

The issue you're experiencing is occurring on a Linux machine using Chrome (v.58 - 64-bit). To resolve this problem, you can adjust the background-image code by replacing all instances of 1px with 2px:

 background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(to right, transparent, transparent calc(100% - 2px), black calc(100% - 2px), black 100%),   repeating-linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent, transparent calc(100% - 2px), black calc(100% - 2px), black 100%)

This modification should be made specifically when the width is between 256px and 511px. You could potentially experiment with using ... - 3px... up to 767px, although it hasn't been tested.

Interestingly, this adjustment also works in Firefox. The reason behind this behavior may be due to sub-pixel rendering, even though logically deducting 1px doesn't seem like it should make a difference. This unpredictability is what makes web development so intriguing, don't you think?

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