`How to perfectly place multiple text blocks and images using CSS`

Check out this screenshot to see the issue I'm facing:

Here is the HTML code:

   <div class="parent_process">  
      <div class="first_process"><img src="images/exprimer-besoin-telephonie.png"/><span style="width:18%">You fill out the form to express your need (approx 1 min)</span></div>  
      <div class="second_process"><img src="images/contacter-tous-les-vendeurs-autocommutateurs.png"/><span style="width:18%">You fill out the form to express your need (approx 1 min)</span></div>  
     <div class="third_process"><img src="images/recevoir-offre-standard-telephonique-pas-cher.png"/><span style="width:18%">You fill out the form to express your need (approx 1 min)</span></div>  

This is the CSS code:

.parent_process{ width:100%; white-space:nowrap; }
.parent_process div{ display:inline-block; width:33.3%;}
.first_process{ text-align:left; }
.second_process{ text-align:center; }
.third_process{ text-align:right; }

How can I create my 3 columns: 1)my text 1 | 2) my text 2 | 3) my text 3

Would appreciate any assistance!


Answer №1

Your three containers have the correct width, but due to the whitespace: nowrap style, the text is not wrapping and instead overflowing.

If you remove the whitespace: nowrap property, the text will stay within the container's width. However, a new issue arises where the columns do not all fit on a single row: http://jsfiddle.net/q1g0uxx4/2/

This happens because there is almost no space between the columns, causing them to wrap with the use of inline-block.

To resolve this, removing any whitespace between the div elements will allow them to fit properly: http://jsfiddle.net/q1g0uxx4/1/

While removing whitespace may impact formatting, another solution is to set the font-size of your container to 0.1px. This will ensure the content fits even with formatted markup: http://jsfiddle.net/q1g0uxx4/3/

Answer №2

If you're looking for a reliable CSS framework, consider using Bootstrap. Their column system is very user-friendly and efficient.

Check out this JSFiddle link for a demonstration.

To implement columns in your design, simply use the class col-sm-4.

<div class='col-sm-4'>
    <img src='http://ethanwiner.com/Smiley%20Land/Frenchie.gif' />Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>
<div class='col-sm-4'>
    <img src='http://ethanwiner.com/Smiley%20Land/Frenchie.gif' />Consectetur adipiscing elit</div>
<div class='col-sm-4'>
    <img src='http://ethanwiner.com/Smiley%20Land/Frenchie.gif' />Praesent ultrices neque ac justo consectetur condimentum.</div>

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