The clingy navigation bar hinders smooth scrolling to the content

My website has an image where users can click on elements to scroll down to text. However, I'm facing a problem because there is a sticky menu at the top of my website. How can I ensure that the scrolling works correctly with the sticky menu included?

An example HTML code (without the sticky menu) looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<div style="width:100%;">
    <img id="img_ID" src="" usemap="#map" border="0" width="100%" alt="" />
<map id="map_ID" name="map">
<area shape="rect" coords="81,79,171,117" href="#1954" />

<p id ="2018">
<strong>Powstanie polskiej marki NARUM.</strong>Michał Toczyłowski, prawnik i przedsiębiorca, szukając ratunku, dla jednego ze swoich synów, u którego zdiagnozowano zwiotczenie mięśni (skutek pewnych działań medycznych), trafia w rosyjskiej literaturze medycznej, na wzmiankę o niezwykłej bakterii Narine. Po wielomiesięcznych poszukiwaniach udaje mu się w końcu nawiązać kontakt z producentem w Armenii. Po doświadczeniu na sobie i najbliższych, niezwykłego działania probiotyku, postanawia sprowadzić te produkty na rodzimy rynek. Tworzy markę Narum i rozpoczyna współpracę z producentem z Armenii.



<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function () {
    var ImageMap = function (map, img) {
            var n,
                areas = map.getElementsByTagName('area'),
                len = areas.length,
                coords = [],
                previousWidth = 1900;
            for (n = 0; n < len; n++) {
                coords[n] = areas[n].coords.split(',');
            this.resize = function () {
                var n, m, clen,
                    x = img.offsetWidth / previousWidth;
                for (n = 0; n < len; n++) {
                    clen = coords[n].length;
                    for (m = 0; m < clen; m++) {
                        coords[n][m] *= x;
                    areas[n].coords = coords[n].join(',');
                previousWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
                return true;
            window.onresize = this.resize;
        imageMap = new ImageMap(document.getElementById('map_ID'), document.getElementById('img_ID'));


The scrolling functionality works perfectly without the sticky menu. If you would like to see how it behaves with the sticky menu included, you can visit my website here.

Answer №1

The website is functioning properly in terms of scrolling. However, the presence of the navbar can be quite bothersome...

One possible solution is to insert an empty tag like a div, p, h1, etc., and assign it a specific id to help reduce the amount of scrolling on the page.

<a href="#SrcollId1">To Section 1</a>
<a href="#HigherLink">To Section 2</a>


<p id="HigherLink">-</p>

<!-- To ensure that this crucial text is not obstructed by the navbar, adjust the position of the <a> tag to higher up. -->

<p id="SrcollId1">>This is incredibly significant text that is being blocked by the navbar...</p>


Answer №2

An effective solution is to assign a class specifically for elements in your body that are being obscured by a menu. By determining the total height (margin + padding + height) of your fixed menu bar, you can then apply padding (with a value equal to the height of the menu bar) to all affected elements.

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