How to make a button in Angular 4 smoothly transition on hover

My goal is to create a transition effect on buttons similar to the ones showcased on this Bootstrap page. However, I require more customization than what Bootstrap provides, so I am attempting to achieve this through CSS styles and effects.

Here is how I currently display my buttons:

<div class="container">
      <div *ngFor="let cat of categories">
            <button [ngStyle]="matchButtonColor(cat)" (mouseover)="transition()" class="btn " type="button" (click)="openDialog(cat)"> {{}} </button>
            <categories *ngIf="cat.children" [categories]="cat.children" (category)="onClickChild($event)"></categories>

Within the component, I have two functions (although I know that the transition effect does not work as intended in this setup):

  matchButtonColor(category: AdminCategory) {
    var s = {
      'background-color': 'white',
      'border-color': '#8064A2',
      'color': '#8064A2',
      'transition': 'color .15s ease-in-out,background-color .15s ease-in-out,border-color .15s ease-in-out,box-shadow .15s ease-in-out'
    return s;


Currently, I have achieved this setup. My next aim is to implement the transition effect on hover. Is there a way to make this happen? Simply adding it to a .css file won't suffice because the colors are generated dynamically based on the value of cat.

Answer №1

To achieve this, you can set the hoverFlag to true when the user hovers over an element and then set it to false when they move their mouse away. You can then have two methods, one for the hover state and another for the normal state (or just one method where you pass a flag based on your needs).

<button [ngStyle]="hoverFlag ? matchHoverButtonColor(cat) : matchButtonColor(cat)" (mouseover)="hoverFlag = true" (mouseout)="hoverFlag = false" class="btn " type="button" (click)="openDialog(cat)"> {{}} </button>

Therefore, if hoverFlag is true, the matchHoverButtonColor(cat) method will be called. Otherwise, the matchButtonColor(cat) method will be called.

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