How to implement CSS styling for a disabled component

In my application, I have a FormControlLabel and Switch component. When the Switch is disabled, the label in FormControlLabel and the button in Switch turn gray. However, I want to maintain the color of both the label (black) and the button (red).

To test this, I wrote the following style:

If you'd like to see the full code, click here:

const useStyles = makeStyles({
  disabled: { color: "red" }

<FormControlLabel classes={{disabled: classes.disabled}}/>
<Switch classes={{disabled: classes.disabled}}/>

Even though I expected the disabled class to be applied (making the label and button red) when the Switch is disabled, it did not work as intended. What steps should I take to achieve this outcome?

Thank you!

Answer №1

When it comes to changing your style, as pointed out by @camper, you can easily do so with the following code snippet:

const styles = makeStyles({
    disabled: {
      '&$disabled': {
        color: 'red',

For a live demo of this in action, click here!

Answer №2

Here is an example to follow:

const customStyles = makeStyles({
  main: {
      '&$inactive': {
        backgroundColor: 'blue',

<Button classes={{main: customStyles.main}}/>
<Checkbox classes={{main: customStyles.main}}/>

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