Disable Chrome's suggestions bar on your Android phone

I'm having trouble disabling spelling suggestions for an input box and everything I've tried so far hasn't worked.

I've already used attributes like autocomplete="off", autocapitalize="off", and spellcheck="off" for the input field, but the suggestion bar above the keypad still shows up.

This issue is causing problems with my layout. Any effective solutions out there?

Answer №1

For those utilizing Cordova, remember that in html5 you have access to the spellcheck attribute.

<input type="text" spellcheck="false">

Answer №2

Make sure to provide a clear description of the input box. If it is an edit text, consider including the following code snippet in your XML:


Answer №3

When working with HTML input fields, you have the option to utilize the autocorrect attribute.

<input autocorrect="off"/>

For Android XML and the EditText element, you can set the inputType property.


I hope this information proves useful for your projects.

Answer №4

In the case of Droid Chrome, it is not possible to completely turn off the suggestions bar. However, by using (autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off"), you can prevent auto completion of words from the bar. This feature works on Droid devices but does not extend to turning off the address bar like on iPhone.

Disabling the lookup bar on iPhones can provide additional screen space, giving a 12% increase in visibility on a 6.1" device and up to 15% more space on a 5.4" iPhone 12 mini, especially when the keyboard is active. It is advised to use caution with auto replacement of words, particularly if dictionary matches are inaccurate or weak.

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