How to design an HTML table with columns of a set width using CSS

I need a table that has a fixed width but dynamic height to accommodate varying content lengths. Take a look at this example:

Despite setting a fixed width, my content is overlapping. What am I doing incorrectly? Here is my current code:

<table width="60%" align='center' cellpadding='2' 
        cellspacing='2' border='2' style='table-layout:fixed'>

This is the css I am using:


table td{
    padding:5px; height:auto;

table thead tr th{

Any suggestions on how I can make the height adjust dynamically?

Answer №1

table td{
    overflow-wrap: break-word;

I found this solution to be very effective!

Answer №2

My belief is that there are no instances of 'breaking points' (like spaces) in the text, making it impossible to break the text into multiple lines. To resolve this issue, one potential solution would be to insert ­ where the text could potentially break.

Answer №3

Your issue could potentially stem from the implementation of table-layout: fixed. To address this, I recommend adding style="width: 150px;" to every <th> element while eliminating the use of table-layout.

Answer №4

When it comes to the width of <th> and <td>, the former takes precedence over the latter. By setting a width for the <th> element, like Kolink suggested, you can easily resolve any overflow issues.

table thead tr th{

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