Learn how to efficiently apply styles to multiple objects within an array using the material-ui library

Currently, I'm utilizing the functional component of React.js. Within this component, I have an array of objects that contain specific styles.

const data = [
            id: 1,
            color: '#000'
            id: 2,
            color: '#fff'
        // and so on

The objective is to display a number of elements on the page equal to the number of objects in the data array, where each element has a unique color assigned (e.g., first element gets color from first object, second from second, etc.).

To achieve this, I am using the custom hook useStyles from Material-UI.

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
    divColor: {
        background: data.map((el) => (

This setup translates into the HTML structure as follows:

{data.map((el, index) => <div key={index} className={classes.divColor} />)}

However, the issue arises where I end up with two identical div elements, both having the same property applied:

.makeStyles-startAccident-4 {
    background: #000, #fff;

Trying to troubleshoot this problem? Check out the CodeSandBox Example for more insights.

What could be causing this error?

Answer №1

The reason behind this is that .map always returns an array, which means the divColor property will be set to:

['#000', '#fff']

One way to approach this would be:

{marksId.map((el, index) => <div key={index} style={{ background: data[index].color }}>)}

This way, each mark will correspond to a color in the array sequentially.

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