Tips on customizing the appearance of JFoenix components within JavaFX Scene Builder using CSS

I'm struggling to customize the appearance of a JFXButton using CSS stylesheets. While some properties are working fine, such as background color and size, I can't seem to get font color and weight to apply:

.eliminarBtn {
    -fx-background-color: #eb490f; //This works
    -fx-font-color: WHITE; //This doesn't work
    -fx-font-weight: bold; //This doesn't work. Edit: had to refresh (works)
    -fx-font-size: 20px; //This works
    -fx-background-radius: 8px; //This works

In this scenario, I have been able to identify certain values by using Scene Builder's drop-down options and directly typing them into the stylesheet. However, others like font color and weight have proven more elusive. How can I successfully modify these aspects of the button text? Additionally, I am open to setting CSS classes for other button nodes if needed.

If you happen to have any resources or guides on styling JavaFX elements or JFoenix components, please share the link with me. Thank you.

Answer №1

For a comprehensive understanding of JavaFX's components' style classes and their default values, I recommend checking out the JavaFX CSS Reference Guide.

JFXButton is an extension of JavaFX's Button, introducing the additional CSS property -jfx-button-type with two possible values: FLAT (default) and RAISED. To customize the color and weight of a JFXButton's text, you can utilize the following CSS:

.button {
    -fx-text-fill: WHITE;
    -fx-font-weight: BOLD;

To create a raised JFXButton using CSS, you can implement the following code snippet:

JFXButton raisedButton = new JFXButton("RAISED BUTTON");
.button-raised {
    -jfx-button-type: RAISED;
    -fx-background-color: TURQUOISE;
    -fx-text-fill: WHITE;
    -fx-font-weight: BOLD;

Answer №2

When working with Scene Builder, the properties panel located on the right side provides options for making modifications such as changing text fill colors. To apply these changes in your code, you need to add CSS fx like this:

-fx-text-fill: #colorvalue;

There are other modifiers that accept multiple values, but their formats are unfamiliar to me. It's possible that these follow standard CSS rules, so it's essential to refer to those guidelines as well.

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