How to customize the hover background color for multicolored series in Highcharts?

Highcharts offers a background color for all columns in a series. The hover color across themes is consistently a light blue (155, 200, 255, .2).

To see an example, visit:

If you look at the source code, Highcharts creates a path like this:

<path fill="none" d="M 678.5 49 L 678.5 326" stroke="rgba(155,200,255,0.2)" stroke-width="274.25" zIndex="2" visibility="hidden"></path> 

This element dynamically adjusts based on your hovering location. I'm trying to modify its color within the theme settings but haven't found it in the API reference.

Answer №1

To implement the xAxis.crosshair.color setting, refer to this code snippet:

xAxis: {
    gridLineColor: '#707073',
    labels: {
        style: {
            color: '#fff'
    crosshair: {
        color: "red" // specifying the color here
    lineColor: '#707073',
    minorGridLineColor: '#505053',
    tickColor: '#707073',
    title: {
        style: {
            color: '#777'


Please note that this feature is not currently available in the API.

Answer №2

To enhance the stroke-color, include this CSS snippet:

.highcharts-container path
    stroke: rgba(100,100,100,.5);

View the demo on Fiddle

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