How to apply distinct CSS styles to individual pages in Orchard CMS?

If we have two pages within Orchard CMS - the homepage and the About Us page, is there a way to include a RoyalSlider on just the homepage without affecting the About Us page?

Within Orchard CMS, I am utilizing the Contoso theme. Previously, I attempted to add the royalslider.css file to the Layout.cshtml using Style.Include, however, this approach caused the CSS file to be applied across all pages on the website. This is not an ideal practice and needs to be addressed.

Answer №1

To achieve this, make sure to utilize the URL Alternates feature. Instructions can be found here, specifically in the section labeled "URL and Widget Alternates".

Once you have activated the feature, duplicate the Layout.cshtml file located in your theme folder and rename it to Layout-url-homepage.cshtml. This customized layout will only be utilized for displaying the homepage, allowing you to insert your Style.Include statements as needed.

Answer №2

If you're looking to customize your content, there are a couple of strategies you can explore.

  1. Utilize the innovative Classy feature within the Vandaley Industries module ( This will allow you to incorporate scripts into various content types.

  2. Create an alternative version at the corresponding URL for further customization options.

There are numerous ways to tailor Orchard to meet your specific needs due to its high level of extensibility. Start with these two methods and see where they take you! :)

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