How to customize nouislider appearance using Bootstrap styles

I've been attempting to style the noUi tooltips to match the bootstrap design, but I've been unsuccessful so far. I'm wondering if there's an easy way to achieve this.

I tried to structure the markup based on the bootstrap template available here:


<!-- Generated markup by the plugin -->
    <div class="tooltip tooltip-top" role="tooltip">
      <div class="tooltip-arrow"></div>
      <div class="tooltip-inner">
        Some tooltip text!


// By modifying the function "addTooltip" in noUislider.js
    function addTooltip ( handle, handleNumber ) {
        if ( !options.tooltips[handleNumber] ) {
            return false;
        let deg = addNodeTo(handle.firstChild, 'tooltip');
        addClass(deg, 'tooltip-top');
        addNodeTo(deg, "tooltip-arrow");
        return addNodeTo(deg, 'tooltip-inner');
        // return addNodeTo(handle.firstChild, options.cssClasses.tooltip);

Although this generates a template, it doesn't display any tooltips at all. I must be overlooking something important. When I only add 'tooltip-top', a small, messy black tooltip does appear but it's not the desired outcome.

Answer №1

After applying some bootstrap magic, I successfully integrated tooltips onto a noUIslider and spruced up the slider handle with bootstrap styling.

slideDIM.on('update', function(value) {
    $.getq('queue', '/dim/' +  value[0].replace('%', ''));
    $('#slider-dimmer [data-handle="0"]').attr('data-original-title', value).tooltip('show').tooltip('update')
        $('#slider-dimmer [data-handle="0"]').tooltip('hide');
        }, 3000);

Check out the result on JSFiddle here!

Although dragging functions smoothly, I've temporarily disabled tapping on the slider to maintain its appearance.

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