How to create space between elements in CSS without using margin or padding?

Recently, I stumbled upon a fascinating website while working on my own CSS grid project:

I am curious to know how it was achieved. The Portfolio elements on the website have space between them without any visible margins or paddings that I could identify:

<article class="mix portfolio_category_2  mix_all" style=" "><div class="image_holder standard_hover"><span class="image">(...)</article>

2% margin (mysterious origin!)

<article class="mix portfolio_category_2  mix_all" style=" "><div class="image_holder standard_hover"><span class="image">(...)</article>

I initially suspected Bootstrap, but Bootstrap's grid system typically includes margins. These elements seem to only have bottom margins, with no margins on the right or left. How do you think they did it?

Answer №1

Here is a CSS rule that defines the styling for a container:

.projects_holder {
  text-align: justify;

Experiment with deleting this rule in the browser's development console.

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