How is the color of the browser tab determined in Bootstrap?

I've been searching through Bootstrap documentation and Stack Overflow, but I haven't been able to find the answer I'm looking for.

It seems like the main theme color, displaying differently in various browsers by tinting the tab bar.

In Safari, you need to choose Compact under Preferences > Tabs > Tab layout, and ensure that Show color in compact tab bar is selected under Preferences > Advanced.

If this setting is disabled, the color only appears when dragging down the page, almost like a colored background peeking through.

Take for example, which uses a tint of rgb(115, 84, 173) or #7354AD. However, I couldn't locate this color in the CSS - it's possible an alpha value is being used.

I considered using a manifest.json file with parameters like theme_color or background_color to change the tint applied by Bootstrap, but I haven't been successful in selecting a different color.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

CSS does not have the ability to control the coloring of tabs or a browser's user interface. Instead, a meta tag called theme-color must be used.

As seen on, the code example looks like this:

<meta name="theme-color" content="#712cf9">

It's important to note that this feature is not universally supported and may need additional configuration by the user. For information on browser support, visit this link.

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