Utilizing gradients across various elements

Attempting to add a colorful background to the button elements inside a div, while keeping the outside background black has proven challenging. I've explored various options in Tailwind CSS documentation without success (currently using NextJS).

return (
  <div className="flex mt-10 flex-col items-center">
    <div className="relative">
      <div className="bg-gradient-to-br from-[#70d6ff] via-[#ff70a6] to-[#e9ff70]">
        <div className="p-4 font-semibold grid grid-cols-3 items-center">
          <button className="bg-transparent bg-clip-padding border rounded p-2" onClick={() => {setView(10);}}><span>Kelas 10</span></button>
          <button className="bg-transparent bg-clip-padding border rounded p-2 ml-2" onClick={() => {setView(11);}}>Kelas 11</button>
          <button className="bg-transparent bg-clip-padding border rounded p-2 ml-2" onClick={() => {setView(12);}}>Kelas 12</button>
          <div className="grid grid-cols-2 col-span-3 space-x-2 mt-2">
            <button className="bg-transparent bg-clip-padding border rounded p-2" onClick={() => {setDateYesterday();}}>Kemarin</button>
            <button className="bg-transparent bg-clip-padding border rounded p-2" onClick={() => {setDateTommorow();}}>Besok</button>
          <button className="bg-transparent bg-clip-padding border rounded p-2 col-span-3 mt-2" onClick={handleCopy}>{copyMessage}</button>

Is there a solution within Tailwind CSS, or is it currently not feasible?

Attempts so far involved utilizing all available bg-clip- classes within Tailwind.

Desired outcome: Implementing a reversed version of bg-clip-text, where text remains white but the colored background applies to the button element instead.

Answer №1

I made some revisions to the answer I previously provided for editing.

It can be challenging to locate the clip-path within tailwind classes.

I did a test using pure CSS once.

While it may not be the perfect solution, I hope it brings you closer to resolving the issue...!


/* bg-gradient-to-br from-[#70d6ff] via-[#ff70a6] to-[#e9ff70] */
button.custom-clip {
  clip-path: xywh(0 0 100% 100% round 0.25rem);
  background: white;

button.custom-clip:after {
  content: '';
  position: absolute;
  inset: 0;
  z-index: -1;
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #70d6ff, #ff70a6, #e9ff70);
  border: 1px solid white;


    return (
        <div className="flex mt-10 flex-col items-center">
            <div className="relative">
            <div className="">
                <div className="p-4 font-semibold grid grid-cols-3 items-center">
                    <button className="custom-clip rounded border-none" onClick={() => {setView(10);}}>
                        <span className="block w-full h-full border p-2 rounded">Grade 10</span>
                    <button className="custom-clip rounded ml-2 border-none" onClick={() => {setView(11);}}>
                        <span className="block w-full h-full border p-2 rounded">Grade 11</span>
                    <button className="custom-clip rounded ml-2 border-none" onClick={() => {setView(12);}}>
                        <span className="block w-full h-full border p-2 rounded">Grade 12</span>
                    <div className="grid grid-cols-2 col-span-3 space-x-2 mt-2">
                        <button className="custom-clip rounded border-none" onClick={() => {setDateYesterday();}}>
                            <span className="block w-full h-full border p-2 rounded">Yesterday</span>
                        <button className="custom-clip rounded border-none" onClick={() => {setDateTomorrow();}}>
                            <span className="block w-full h-full border p-2 rounded">Tomorrow</span>
                    <button className="custom-clip rounded col-span-3 mt-2 border-none" onClick={handleCopy}>
                        <span className="block w-full h-full border p-2 rounded">{copyMessage}</span>



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